Then and Now

I was reading a blog the other night, got re-directed to another blog, and subsequently discovered the person in stewardship of the first blog is what I would consider, at first glance and by one post, a completely self-absorbed bitch. Needless to say, I abandoned the desire to be a guest blogger. On the basis that her 800+ followers wouldn't go for me since I definitely don't go for her. More power to her and her lemings, but they're not for me.

Besides, I write for me. Because it's therapuetic and puts things into perspective, not because I have anything dazzling to say or because I think I'll gain friends. I've never been very popular - maybe that's why it's not one of my main life goals.

I made the mistake (again) of reading old journal entries to see where I was, mentally, on any given day. March 23, 2009, for example. That day in particular I was prepared, calm, and waiting for movement so I could move in turn. What ultimately happened: I got fired. So there I sat, 1000 miles from home, no money, no job, in an apartment lease 11 days old, and an overwhelming desire to tell a supervisor how poorly he'd handled supervising. I remember thinking how all the stars had aligned for us even to pick up and move to Portland, how in 9 days I'd driven 3000 miles to, back, and to again in order to start work on Monday. And how it all fell apart in 5 weeks, which didn't make sense to me at all.

Then, like now, not a lot makes sense. Maybe it's not supposed to. That's what they say, right? It's all part of a huge ineffible plan and we mere mortals aren't meant to understand. Well, I don't. I'll admit it so the rest of you will comfortable. For once, the entire world is in the same boat and just "doing what you can" is actually acceptable. I appreciate that.

Still chasing the dream. Dreams. Seems some days I want everything and I want it now. Making a living seems secondary to making sure my life is worth living and a good time. I'm skewed, what can I say. But I'm not wrong. I want to thrive, not just survive, which is what I've been doing most of my life, and probably you in yours. I'm taking it down to the basics of survival: food, water, shelter. Everything after that is a 'want', not a 'need'. I'm looking forward to donating everything I own when the time is right.

A model just asked me if I was a writer. After a pause, I said Yes with a smile. One step closer to one of many dreams...


The Midnight Writer said...

I'm surprised not more people read this blog, because it's one of the more interesting ones.

I'll be following...

MonkeyOne said...

Thank you. I appreciate the support. :)